Low energy door operators are ADA compliant devices that operate a door in a manner that is suitable for the elderly and disabled population. They also allow for manual operation of the door without damaging the operator and other door parts. These multi-function door operators are great for all public buildings and businesses.
Low energy door operators are designed to service the disabled and elderly population. They are activated by a door activator on the outside of the door that is accessible to those that are wheelchair bound. This activator will open the door for those that are unable to do so on their own, with a simple push of a pad or wave of the hand, and it will close slowly with a delayed closing operation. This will provide sufficient time for slow moving traffic to pass by the door before it begins to close, thereby reducing the risk of injury caused by a swiftly closing door.
These closers can also be operated manually by pushing the door open, for those that are able to do so. This will not damage the door or door operator, since it is designed to function both manually and automatically, and the door will operate smoothly either way. It is therefore ideal for applications that are subject to regular and slow moving traffic.
Low energy operators meet the requirement of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). They allow for easy access for any disabled person by using a push pad or other activator to operate the door. They also greatly decrease the chances for a door related injury, since their slow operation allows the disabled or elderly person to pass through at their own pace. Most public buildings are required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and a low energy door operator is a simple solution for all of your business’s doorways.
Qualified Hardware offers an extensive selection of low energy door operators. They are available with various installation specifications which provides a versatility for use in almost any application. They can be paired with a variety of door actuators, each with its own unique features, to suit the needs of your doorway. The actuators come in different shapes and sizes and there is also the option of a touchless activator. This touchless device is activated by the wave of a hand in front of it. This can be very useful in a germ free environment such as in a medical facility. There is also the option of using a radio frequency activated device to have control of the door remotely. By installing the radio frequency receiver at the door, you can have access to the door with a remote control. This can be a very convenient and practical option for certain application conditions.
A low energy door operator is an easy way to make everyone happy. It complies with the law and will function beautifully, both for the disabled and regular populations. Select the operator that meets your needs from our large selection.